Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Can You Do With A Bachelor Of Arts Degree?

By Emory R David

Graduating from college with an Arts degree may sometimes seem like you don't have many career choices. Most people with Arts degrees will ultimately do just fine in a wide variety of jobs but when trying to figure out what your are best suited for it might be tough to figure out. While graduates from more science and math oriented programs may seem to have a clear direction, graduating with a degree in the Arts often doesn't lend itself to a clear career path. While enjoying college, once the real world starts to creep up, many arts degree graduates may begin to worry.

So what are the facts and how does this concern affect people who want to pursue a degree in the Arts. Most people will say it's a waste of money and you won't be able to find a job. Unfortunately, these misconceptions influence students to pursue a more "secure" degree so they can get a "good" job.

Fact or Fiction

In actual, the facts are contrary to the popular art degree myths, a variety of career possibilities await art graduates, almost half of all job vacancies available to new graduates are open to students with arts degrees. These employers are particularly interested in transferable skills.

If people really looked at the data they would quickly see that graduates in Arts degrees are very employable and many times are in high demand with jobs that pay very well.

Myth 1: In order to be successful you must get a specialized degrees in focused areas such as science, math, law, etc. Simply graduation with a Bachelor of Arts is not attractive to employers.

Fact 1: According to salary survey conducted in 2006, average salary for bachelor of arts degree graduates in various job fields in United States are ranging from $32,000 to $55,000 annually, without having any further university or college study.

Myth 2: You will be relegated to minimum wage jobs with a Bachelor of Arts degree

Fact 2: Based recent job survey conducted by a well-known survey company, arts graduates are often employed in a professional or managerial capacity (50 - 81%). This compared favorably with those in Commerce (60%) and those with technical or vocational diplomas from colleges and technical institutes (24 - 35%).

Myth 3: A Bachelor of Arts degree is a waste of time and money and does not earn as much money as a bachelor degree in science and technology.

Fact 3: Job surveys show that within five years graduates with general arts degrees are often as financially successful as graduates with more technical degrees. This was according to a survey conducted from the University of Alberta. The thought is that Arts graduates develop better creative thinking and critical thinking skills that are tough to learn on the job. Employers seek out this type of person who can do many tasks and who can then be trained specifically for the field they are in.

The Demand for Well Rounded Employees is High

The majority of the job market is actually open to students with general bachelor of arts degrees. If a student has already identified their interests upon graduation they typically will have little problem finding a job. Career options range from charities to government to private business and everything in between. The positions listed below are very common positions for graduates with a Bachelor of Arts:


Events Planner

Advertising Executive

Program Coordinator


Marketing Professional


Corporate Trainer

To conclude, be confident that there are many great jobs awaiting a graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree. These positions can be very well paid as well as having a lot of upward mobility.

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