Thursday, January 26, 2012

Paper Activities Perfect for a Busy Family

By Autumn Lockwood

Even individuals who have tons of fun making crafts as a family can have a difficult time fitting it into their busy schedules. However, just because you're a bit short on time does not mean you need to give up your own family craft night altogether. All you must do to solve this problem is to make sure that the crafts you do are simple, fast, and low cost. When considering quick crafts that require only inexpensive supplies, it's difficult to beat paper craft projects. You and also your budget will simply love these quick paper crafts that you'll be able to use at your very next family craft night.

A Night of Scrapbooking

A lot of women initially think that men and children do not share their love of scrapbooking. However, in many cases this just isn't the case. Scrapbooks can easily be fun for almost everyone, especially since there are so very many options to pick from when making them. You can be excited about documenting a special occasion or a holiday, for example, while your hubby may want to create a scrapbook telling his favorite hunting trip. Young children really like making scrapbooks that incorporate some of their favorite characters from TV shows as well as cartoons. Since the average household generally doesn't have enough wall space to display all their favorite photos in picture frames, a scrapbook may often be a good alternative.

Due to the ability you have got to work on each one in segments, scrapbooks are a wonderful idea for an evening craft project for the whole family. To make the procedure even easier, it can be helpful to create a "creativity kit" for each family member. All the things that you might need can be kept in a tote or even a plastic box. Be sure to include a pair of sharp yet safe scissors, a few adhesive products, markers or coloring pencils, a ruler and a variety of different embellishments. You may also designate one large box of different papers and cardstock that is meant for everyone to share. When it's time for family craft night, just throw a vinyl tablecloth over the dining room table to protect the surface and you'll be ready to start having fun.

Keep in mind that sometimes when you're scrapbooking you just might make a page that is so special you just can't bear to hide it away between the pages of a book. Whenever this is the case it is a great idea to display these pages in picture frames instead of in the book. By doing this, you'll be able to get even more enjoyment from your creation. If you wish to do this then it might be great to select an album that makes it easy for you to add and remove pages without much hassle.

Fun with Origami

The ancient art called origami is another great choice for a family craft night. Origami is a great way to use up small paper scraps which are left over from any other paper craft projects. While there is specific paper designed for origami, it isn't difficult to find different kinds of paper you can use instead. It is particularly nice if you can find fun scrapbooking paper that has got designs on each side. All you will need to change simple scraps of paper into beautifully crafted creations is an origami instruction booklet from a nearby bookstore or even a library.

So pull out that paper, round up your family members, and start having the best time you've had in a while!

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