Saturday, January 28, 2012

Follow these simple steps to make more money and build wealth

By Kristina Herzog

Each and every one would like to be rich, but not very many people want to follow a plan, which is necessary to get rich! Most people believe that they have to work hard to create thousands and more monthly. They prefer to go to an office and do their job, even though they do not enjoy it. Several times a day they look at the clock to check, how many hours are left, until they can leave work and do something they appreciate.

What many people don't grasp is that people, who are rich, love their profession. They do not check their watch, they are not aware of time. What they do fills their thinking and their whole life. When you see the point of that, you would probably think about what you love to do most.

As a next step, you would google to find out how others earn money with what you enjoy to do most. And then you would think of how you could do the very same and this is, make money with what you enjoy most.

To get rich one needs a plan. So you should write down a plan. It would be a long term plan, which you slice into small chunks, which are short term plans. And after that you have to get active.

To build wealth you have to build a plan creating a couple of sources of income. Let us take a gardener to explain. You would throw flyers into the letter boxes of residences in your area and offer yourself as assistant for garden work. You can do that solely from spring till autumn and only after work hours. So you put an ad into a newspaper or online asking for people, who would do gardening and do some of your gardening jobs. Soon you would mostly organize your workers. And quickly find someone who would organize the workers. You would negotiate with the clients what they need to have done for what price and you would check, if your clients are satisfied with what your workers do. Surely after some time you would employ someone, who does that.

In winter you would write an ebook, specializing the topic on a particular plant or write about designing gardens and offer the ebook on the internet, supported with an internet marketing program to draw a lot of traffic to your website. On your website or blog you could also offer seeds of plants, gardening tools or other gardening advice books.

You could provide a seminar in a botanical garden, where you talk about growing special plants and how to grow them. This could be organized as a weekend event, to which hobby gardeners come to mastermind with other like minded people and have pleasure in this wonderful event. This occasion could be relatively high in price.

See this as an example about how to create money with your subject of interest or with the work you are passionate about.

You could start making money with the work you love aside of your regular work. You need to make a amount of money every month that is at least as high as you pay for fixed costs and you must have some savings, before you leave your regular work as an employee and become a business owner.

When you do a work you really like, you will not only do it from 9 to 5, but much longer. At the other side, you will make a lot more money and as you make more money you will enjoy your life quite a bit more.

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