Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Common Article Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

By Violet Garza

It takes skill and experience to write good articles that become popular. There are quite a few really good articles online, but most of these were written by experienced writers. Most of the mistakes made by new article writers are not hard to avoid once you are aware of them. These are the kind of mistakes that can ruin an otherwise good article, so it's important that you become aware of them.

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Writing articles containing poor information. This is an obvious mistake but is commonly made by many writers. Articles written for the internet have a lot of competition and thus you need to make sure you're writing better than the other guy. You articles should focus on giving the reader something they can use in a unique manner. People who can research online have exactly what it takes to write a good article. You only have to ensure that it's very different, as that's where the difference lies. There is lots of information on the internet, but not all of it is worth your time. People will be more apt to read more of what you've written if your articles are good, and having good articles will also have people telling their friends about you.

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Having "run on" sentences in their articles is the second mistake frequently made by article writers. What do we mean by this? When you have a sentence that goes on for too long without the necessary punctuation, it's a run on sentence. For online articles, however, it's not only "run on" sentences that should be shortened. For internet readers, you want to break down different thoughts into smaller pieces, regardless of grammatical rules. This makes your articles easier for people to read. So you are always better off separating a longer sentence into smaller ones.

It could be that there are other articles that discuss the same points as your article. Therefore, if you are going to write your article on a certain subject, make sure you have a unique take on things. This requires researching the subject and how it's already been handled by other writers, so that you may offer a unique take on things. The further you can go from the norm in that subject, the better your article will be with readers. You must have your titles as well as your content stand out. Readers are more apt to come back again and again if you can provide them with good, quality information.

As long as you are familiar with these common article writing mistakes, you should be able to avoid them. Just remember that any mistakes you make in your articles will be a reflection on you, your business and products, so it's important to strive for quality. Use your articles to give people valuable content and avoid hype and you'll be successful with your article writing.

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