Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How To Look Great Without Trying Too Hard

By Dolores Wynne

Since time began, women want to look beautiful. It is becoming more of a challenge to do that today, because women are so busy and pollution has filled the environment with toxins that can interfere with a woman's beauty regiment. If you want to enhance your natural beauty, you need to work a bit harder and focus on what you can do today to keep your skin looking beautiful. Here are some beauty tips to help you enhance the beauty you already have.

Not everyone needs powder every day but it does help your foundation, concealer, and primer last longer through the day. Avoid using it too much as it will weigh down your face and perhaps make your face looks like it has too much makeup on it.

Dry, cracked or chapped lips are unattractive and can even be painful if untreated. Gently scrubbing your lips with a soft-bristled toothbrush removes dead skin and creates a smooth, plump look. Top with a thick lip balm or choose a lip color that contains sunscreen; this protects your lips and locks in moisture.

As your energy increases, your health improves and your appearance changes, you should start feeling more confident. Work on your posture to portray your confidence and strength to others.

If you would like to use a blush in addition to your natural skin tone, look for peach or apricot shades. Rosy or pink shades can bring out the ruddy look of your complexion. If you would like the look of a healthy tan without the risk of sun damage, look for self-tanning products to create the look you want.

Stress has a substantial negative effect on your body in many ways, and the result may be written on your face. Tension creates frown lines and pursed lips that tend to become permanent over time. It is difficult to have a beautiful smile and pleasant appearance when worry and stress are affecting your feelings. Concentrate on taking time to relax and enjoy yourself often enough to offset those negative influences.

Discard liquid concealers after 6 months. Most formulas contain a wand applicator, which can introduce bacteria into the tube, altering the formula and colonizing an army of blemish-causing germs. If the color starts to change or you notice a funky smell prior to 6 months, throw it out sooner. Powder-based or stick varieties of concealer can last for 12-18 months, however. For the longest shelf life, use disposable applicators instead of your fingers.

Stay away from alcohol and smoking. These two things can really age your skin and body. Not only do they make you look older, they can make you feel older, too, and not in a refined, stylish kind of way. Alcohol and tobacco wreak havoc on your body and this inward damage ends up making its way out to your skin, nails and hair.

There are three aspects of your life that contribute the most to your overall appearance. These aspects of your life are what you eat, what you drink, and how well you sleep. You should be careful of your diet and avoid fatty, salty and sugary foods. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetable as well as lean protein. You should avoid drinking highly caffeinated drinks, drinks that contain a lot of sugar, and in general dark liquids. You should consume a lot of water as this is great for your whole body. What you eat and drink is reflected in the quality of your skin and healthy, clean and clear skin is a large aspect of your overall beauty. You should make sure to get enough sleep as sleeplessness is often reflected in puffy eyes and droopy facial muscles. You want your eyes to be bright and your facial muscles taut in order to present your best to the world.

There are many different things you can do to make yourself as beautiful as you want to be. The tips offered in this article are just a few of the things you can do to portray yourself as an attractive person.

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