Saturday, October 22, 2011

Popular Ways to Earn Additional Cash on the Side

By Ruth Williams

If there is anything to be learned from the latest recession and the financial problems of the United States and Europe it's that it's never a bad idea to hold down a second job. Moonlighting can be a fascinating way to for people to make a some extra cash doing something they love, and many folks even end up even turning their passion into a self employment opportunity or even a chance to open up a business of their own. Studies are now showing that professionals, such as IT workers and lawyers are also taking a second job, not just those earning a low wages.

Regardless of what you are thinking, you certainly cannot go wrong having some additional cash. Following are some popular methods for bringing in additional cash:

Get Employment for Your Pet - Lots of agencies exist to find pets who are naturally photogenic, and they will pay nicely for it. I see there might be some benefit to Fido learning those tricks.

Hire Out Your Home - You don't have to have a mansion to see your house in a television program or a film, and you will be compensated nicely for this.

Rent out your driveway - In urban areas with limited parking, programs can be employed to rent out spaces in your driveway to individuals.

A Home Business: The world wide web enables all those who have a talent a way to take it out into the world without leaving their own homes. If people are willing to pay for your skills, then running a business from your home may be something you should look into. With free web sites, free video chat programs, and free online bank accounts and ecommerce programs, you can get started for, well, for free. Several skills and expertise that people pay very well for include home lessons, writing music or commercial jingles, ads, ghost writing, and affiliate campaigns.

Become a model for art classes - You do not have to be in the best of shape to pose as a model for art classes - just able to hold back the potential embarrassment. As most of these jobs are posing nude, models are quite well compensated. Sometimes, businesses only need a certain body part in their ads, so you can easily get a job modeling those parts if you have especially attractive parts.

Receive cash for your opinion - whether you believe this or not, large corporations pay quite a bit of money for a consumer's opinion about brand new items that are not yet in the stores. In what are known as "focus groups," a company will pay a group of people to simply discuss a new product or a new advertisement that they are about to put on the market. Numerous online websites exist that are dedicated to publishing listings for focus groups.

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