Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Items You Probably Don't Realize About Babies

By Silva Carvalho

Nothing is as interesting as learning how children develop and grow. Many people have their minds blown when they learned just how complicated a process baby development is. There is a lot more to infancy than you might think. Babies are far more complex than people think. In order to develop normally, there are very specific needs that a baby's parents need to meet and take care of. Being a baby is far from simple. Understanding what is happening for your baby will make being a parent even more rewarding!

When a baby is born his or her skull plates are not fused. This is why it is so important for adults to be careful when handling a newborn's head. This is why that space on the back of a newborn's head is called the soft spot and you need to handle it with care or you could do some serious damage to your baby. After about three months or so, the plates start to come together and fuse and the soft spot isn't as sensitive. The front of the skull is another story-those plates can take a year and a half to calcify and harden, so don't stop being careful!

Usually, by the time a woman realizes that she has missed her period; her fetus's heart is already working. A beating heart is usually completed (at least rudimentary) by twenty one days of life. This is usually when most women find out that they are pregnant. Doesn't it amaze you that biology doesn't even need a full month to build functioning organs out of almost nothing at all? Think about everything that your heart does and how strong it needs to be and then marvel at how quickly you made its foundation while you were in the womb. You probably already knew that fetuses are able to hear sounds while they are still in the womb. There are studies upon studies proving that babies will react strongly to the sounds that have reached them through their mothers' bodies. Did you know, though, that decibel levels are just as important while the baby is in the womb as it is once the baby is born? The ears of an unborn infant are extremely sensitive. Doctors recommend that, while women are pregnant that they keep their music, televisions, etc below the level of a modern vacuum cleaner. If you must listen to loud music, wear headphones as this will cut down on the noise inflicted on your baby considerably-some doctors even think that vacuum cleaners are too loud so keep the noise to a dull roar as much as you can.

You know about babies growing tails right? That is no lie! During the first few weeks after conception babies grow tails along with their brains, hearts and lungs.

As they mature in the womb the organs inside the baby develop but the tail usually ends up disappearing-the body takes over and the tail disappears up into the body. Many people are reminded of the way tadpoles become frogs. Not everyone completely outgrows their tails-some people are born with tails that are still partially intact. From here the parents can choose whether to have the tail removed or to hope that it disappears over time.

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