Monday, November 28, 2011

Support The Made in America Principle

By Ruth Jeffrey

Many products are still made in America. Many people are well aware of the problems we have had with outsourcing our production. What they don't know is that there are still plenty of American companies producing things and creating jobs here in the USA.

Knowledge of American goods can come in handy during holiday shopping. Did you know there are American made tools? American kitchenware and furniture? There's even coffee from the USA! If you have the desire to bring jobs back here, in most cases you won't have much trouble acting on it. Just take the time to compare labels.

American made coffee is actually something that a lot of people are surprised by. They forget about a little jewel of ours known as Hawaii. Kona coffee is the only American made coffee, and although it can be expensive, it's well known worldwide for an incredible flavor. It's the perfect gift for a friend or loved one who loves coffee and America.

Recently on television they built a new home and used nothing but American products. It was easier than you might expect, and cheaper too. It seems that often times the American item was less expensive than the overseas competition. No matter what, it's always worth the investment to gain the comfort of "Product of the USA" which represents the quality of high American standards.

When you find a product of the USA, you should show it off to your friends. It isn't just about impressing them, which you'll do, but about encouraging them to make the same choice. A lot of people don't think to look for American goods. Let them know which brands they should look for when they're out shopping for bargains.

As we gain more manufacturing jobs here in the United States, we'll see less problems with high unemployment. Getting people back to work benefits all of us, and strengthening our economy is something we can all take part in. Getting people to care enough to Spend on America is the challenge, and it's worthwhile.

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