Friday, November 25, 2011

Locating The Best Closet Doors For Any Home

By Kevin Mai

No matter how old your house is, chances are you do not like your interior doors. Finding the best closet doors can be daunting at times because there is so much to choose from. On the other hand, you could turn this into a pleasant project where you will have lots of fun sourcing different doors. You need to keep in mind three things though; look for durability, aesthetics and great functionality.

Many people say that a good closet door is one which is made from a solid wood and that has a solid core as well. These of course are pricey, but beautiful to look at. It is not that difficult to find affordable doors that look expensive however. There are a myriad of different design, colors and types on the market. If you are looking for a door for your utility closet, pantry, bedrooms or bathrooms, you are sure to find a perfect match for your house. Start your search with building supply retailers or find some local cabinetmakers to give you more advice.

Those old swing doors take up a lot of space when opened, especially if the room is already small. To curb this, manufacturers have created all sorts of mechanisms to save us space and give us smart looking doors at the same time. You will find in the market, doors that are accordion, bi-pass, bi-fold and of course the sliding door.

Naturally, your door requirements can be customized to your specific needs. But not to confuse you too much, you can opt for the standard size doors which will fit most interior spaces well. If you need to brighten up a dark room, consider installing a sliding door that are mirrored. They will reflect the light from a window and can also give the illusion that the room is bigger than it is.

Vinyl doors are real cost savers if your budget is small. They serve their purpose well. Unfortunately they do tend to lack good design and can be a bit bland. However, they are durable with just one down side, and that is that they have plastic holding hinges. These could break if the doors and not looked after properly.

If your home already has great decor and lots of color, then you should watch what type of door you install. They could clash hideously with your interior design and make the room look too busy or too cheap. If you have a busy looking interior, then the best thing to do is to install blank doors made from a good solid wood. Alternatively, you could install blank panels that you could paint at a later stage to match your decor.

The best closet doors will ultimately be the ones you settle for because they fit your criteria perfectly. There is not just one good door out there, there are many. If you are happy with your final choice whether if was a mahogany framed beveled beauty or plain looking door, then that is what matters.

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