Wednesday, July 4, 2012

There Is Safety In Tribe Marketing!

By Steven Suchar

Historically, tribe marketing has meant promoting products and services within a particular social group, like promoting only to stay at home moms or to disabled veterans. The idea has been to extend results by making your marketing fit within a tribal community better by conveying the same language, if you will. But online tribe marketing means something absolutely different.

It's of no significance if your business is offline or internet based. The point of each business wanting to earn a profit is to gain more exposure for their goods and services, so as to make an increased quantity of sales.

One extremely effective method of doing this offline has been to create an advertising or marketing cooperative. Here's where you partner with other non competing players, sharing the price tag and rewards of a joint promotion.

Today, thanks largely to recent technical advances online, you are now able to leverage tribe marketing. You may literally team up with dozens, hundreds, even thousands of other web based marketers which decreases advertising costs. This will significantly raise your exposure online through social media syndication.

The sorcery that will drive the tribe marketing concept is one of group cooperation. You share and promote each member's content as outlined and, in turn, they dispense your marketing messages when you publish. The content is distributed automatically through numerous social bookmarketing sites, personal blogs, even Facebook and Twitter.

To make use of this new tribe marketing strategy, you'll need to understand the auto syndication model.

Backlinks cause web pages, blog entries and videos to rank on the first page of the top search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Tribe marketing is set up to immediately distribute your content to each tribe member's social media sites. This causes a massive influx of backlinks from every area of the world, which is very essential.

Also, since your content is actually being shared via real individuals marketing accounts, you can bet that your message will be read and acted on by real individuals too. Your content will actually be seen by potential prospects and customers, driving masses of traffic.

Every member of your team is a marketeer, who is seeking to elevate their profits, maybe a new joint venture or affiliate marketing agreement is in order. Always think relationships and cooperation.

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