Monday, June 4, 2012

Follow Your Heart And Get Her Back

By Eric Hastings Bistro

You have no idea of what to do to get your ex girlfriend back. You've tried, really you have. You've followed just about ever popular piece of advice out there on how to get your ex back and all you've gotten for your trouble is more rejection. You feel like you're worse off now than you were when you first broke up!

This isn't an uncommon occurrence and while getting your ex girlfriend back is pretty simple it can sometimes be difficult for some guys to grasp. The problem is that women just don't make any sense to us guys. What would work on us just doesn't work on them and what they say they want they really don't want. How's that for confusing?

Here is a good bit of advice that should help you to get your girlfriend to start looking at you differently though. One of the most glaring mistakes in your whole approach to getting your girlfriend back is that you're putting way too much effort into it. You are trying too hard to do everything right and not to do anything wrong. You're putting way too much pressure on yourself and you're actually shooting yourself in the foot in the process. By trying so hard you're just making things worse.

So how should you act? You need to get back to being just a little more like yourself. You need to remember that she fell in love with you and not this guy that you're trying to be. How's that for easy? If you are serious and you want to get your ex girlfriend back more than anything in the world then you're going to have to trust that she really did love you and that she will always love you no matter what comes out of her mouth right now.

If you are telling yourself that your girlfriend is telling you something completely different, then just think about this for a moment. When was the last time that a woman really knew what she wanted? When was the last time that what a woman said was completely in synch with what she really wanted in her heart? A girl might say that she wants a guy that is nice and romantic but these nice guys get rejected all day long because they don't push a woman's emotional hot buttons. A woman doesn't initially respect a guy that is compliant and overly kind at first. It just doesn't do it for them emotionally.

Any time you start to get freaked out or start worrying that she's never going to change her mind just remember back to any time you saw her get dressed for a special occasion. How many times did she change her mind? Women reserve the right to change their mind and almost all of their decisions are based upon how a person, place, thing or situation makes them feel. This is why a woman will by a pair of high priced shoes on a whim. If they make her feel prettier, it doesn't matter what the price is.

If you just sit still and are quiet with yourself for a short period of time, I think you know that she does still love you. Something just isn't quite right and you know what is true and what is false. The truth is that she does still love you. You know that you still have a chance as long as you don't screw things up. Your key to getting her back is in appealing to her emotions in a way that doesn't make her lose respect for you. The key to getting her back is in being you and applying the simple principle that emotions rule her decisions.

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