Monday, February 6, 2012

Herbal Plants which can Get Rid of Your Toothache

By Monica Mae

Not many people are aware of the fact that several herbs can be used in the relief of toothache pain. Natural herbs such as cloves, calendula, tarragon, and yarrow can be used to help relieve th pain until you can get to the dentist. For many years, different cultures have counted on herbs to help get the pain of a toothache control and get temporary relief.

True blue Americans can be the perfect example. They use the bark inside a butternut tree to relieve their gums of the pain caused by a toothache. This type of tree is grown in the North side of US and it's considered as walnut (black) tree's cousin. They grow well beside rivers, back yards and forests as long as the soil is drained in the right way. A fully matured butternut tree can have a height of 60 feet. Its bark has a hue of light grey and its fruit and leaves are quite similar to its cousin. Thus, be careful in the getting the bark of this tree because you might get them mistaken.

Yarrow on the other hand, can be found in Asia, Europe, and North America. It normally grows wild in meadows, fields, and in open wood lands. The root of yarrow, is what contains the anaesthetic effect. If you apply the fresh root of yarrow to your tooth or gums, it will help to stop the pain - until you can get an appointment with the dentist and get it taken care of.

An evergreen tree which is clove grows in the soil of countries having a tropical climate. It is a common knowledge that the flower bud if this tree is what you need for your temporary dental treatment. Its oil can make you forget that you had a toothache a few minutes ago. In the list of dental remedies, it is actually on the top spot.

Natural medicines have always been a great help for someone who is experiencing a toothache. They were even the sole solution to this problem in the ancient times. Dentists were not so famous in those days and they didn't yet possess the technology that we are enjoying in our present generation. Teeth were being extracted before with the use of pliers and alcohol served as one's anesthesia.

Throughout the course of time, herbs have proven to be very effective with stopping toothache pain. If you are interested in herbs or have any questions about them, you shouldn't hesitate to ask your dentist his opinion. Dentists know herbs, and should be able to recommend natural remedies to you if you request them. The next time you experience the pain of a toothache - you should always remember that herbs are a great way to relieve the pain.

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