Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Quick Look at Chains and Their Importance

By Derrick Anderson

Certain inventions throughout history have been so tremendously helpful that they have significantly influenced the development of modern society. Despite their usefulness, we tend to overlook the importance of these inventions simply because they have been a part of human life long before anyone now on this planet was born. Ordinary chains are a perfect example.

Even mentioning chains as being one of the inventions that have revolutionized our life today could be surprising. But even large companies operating in the chain supplier industry probably don't consider chains and their uses to be enormously valuable. A chain supplier simply doesn't think of chain in that way, even though it sells all types of chains that are capable of performing a multitude of functions.

Chains are based on a simple concept, but once constructed, their strength can be incredible and they can be put to a multitude of uses. A chain usually consists of several metal links connected together, although some chains use plastic, wood or other materials in their links.

The concept of the chain has been around quite some time. It originated roughly around 225 BC and, amazingly, the design of the chain has not changed all that much over 2200 years. You could rationalize that this is because it does not have to be improved upon.

Most chains fall within one of two main design groups chains using a torus shape, or roller chains. Typically, a chain supplier would receive many more orders for the torus type of chain, but roller chains are essential components of many types of machines.

The torus shape is likely the type of chain most will think of first when asked to visualize one. This is because these chains are the ones employed for hoisting, pulling, and securing things in place. The torus shape was selected based on very simple engineering concerns. Basically, the enormous flexibility found with such chains allows them to be used in a multitude of situations.

The roller chain serves and enormously profound purpose although it will be commonly overlooked in terms of its significant contribution to the overall growth of the industrial revolution. No, that is not an overstatement in any way shape or form. The goal of a roller chain is to transfer power in machines. The most common example of a roller chain would be that which is found in a bicycle.

Of course, roller chains are found in all manner of other machines where they serve the same purpose of transferring power and do so quite effectively. Unfortunately, many machines contain their roller chains inside the internal workings of their mechanisms and out of the sight of people. As a result, no one knows they are there and no one can pick up on the tremendous contribution they make.

People who want to purchase a chain to add to a collection of tool-related items should always deal with a well-known, reputable chain supplier. There's no reason to settle for lower quality when you can buy the most effective, durable chain available.

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