Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Getting Good Gas Mileage Is Done By Your PT Cruiser PCM

By Paulino Carrins

When troubleshooting a car for problems, you can put into account its computer or ECU as a cause of the problem. If not, at least some of the car's parts that it works with can be found at fault. Control of fuel, air flow into the engine as well as automatic transmissions; the functioning and even operation of a PT Cruiser ECM or it's computer, also known as the brain of the car.

The functionality and operation of a car is mainly determined by the condition of the car's computer which also controls certain elements such as the transmission shifting of the automatics, fuel as well as the flow of air into the engines.

You will not be wrong thinking that the ECU is actually being the root cause of the problem. Although, this does not mean that the ECU or ECM are the only ones that can cause a car to stop working well as there are several factors that could lead to the same.

Amongst the several parts of a car, there are those that function together in order to ensure that the car is functioning properly. A car's ECM is one such part of a car which depends on other parts of a car for proper functionality since it relies on information sent to it from other parts. The information that the computer receives is then interpreted and in most cases usually deals with the car's automatic transmission as well as the right amount of fuel needed by the engine.

A car with a malfunctioned computer will not perform as expected by failing to maintain the right speed. The air flow sensor of a Dodge Grand Caravan is used to find out the amount of air that is entering the car's engine. For optimal utilization of the fuel, the information is sent to the car's computer for interpretation and the amount of fuel released into the engine is adjusted automatically on your PT Cruiser.

When this occurs, the car will ultimately experience a drastic reduction in performance and bad usage of fuel will eventually waste it leading to wastage of money as a result. All this result from the fact that the car's PCM receives incorrect information from the air flow sensors which then leads to the release of an incorrect quantity of fuel which can either be less or in excess.

In such a case, the fuel mileage is usually badly affected. This will eventually lead to the engine failing prematurely due to the fact that the wrong mixture of fuel and air can damage not just the engine but also a car's piston and its rings.

A bad fuse on your PT Cruiser can also lead to an improper functioning of the varied components of a car with the computer being the one mainly affected. Power surges are known to damage electronic devices and this is the reason fuses are used to protect them from such damages.

Fuse boxes in cars are normally used to hold the fuses with some being located either under the dash or even the hood in the car. Finally, you might just want to have the PCM software diagnosed for any corruption in their code.

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